Ex Jehovahs Witnesses United in Christ
“Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God" and suffer they do throughout the worldwide church of Jehovah’s Witnesses, as if Children of a lesser God.
You are not alone
Today's Child is Tomorrows Parent. Love, Cherish, Protect
Breaking the Silence in Support of Child Abuse Victims within the Church of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Open Letter/Press Release. Founder of Ex JWs United in Christ, threatens to name and shame all acting Elders in the Jehovah’s Witness Church’s throughout the UK who are Charity Trustees yet refuse to conform to the Charity Commission’s regulations and laws of the land when it comes to its duty of care to children, be they inside the church or in the general public, by unlawfully covering up paedophilia within in its ranks. First to be named and shamed are Jehovah’s Witness church elders Harry Logan, Simon Preyser and David Scott all of whom had first-hand knowledge of a paedophile member in their midst since 2009 yet failed in their moral duty to inform the Charity Commission or Law Enforcement. Indeed the men refused to make statements to police until just hours before they were called as witnesses before the jury at Newcastle Crown Court on 16 July 2013 after which the child sex offender Jehovah Witness ministerial servant Gordon Leighton was found guilty and subsequently sentenced to 13 years behind bars. But what of the Elders themselves asks Mr. Ellis Ph.D and the secret unlawful culture “ALL” Elders strictly adhere too? should they be permitted to fly in the face of Charity Regulations, Child Protection and law enforcement agencies, or as Judge Moreland indicated in this case, the best interest of children and public is best served when such secrecy is deemed unlawful? Indeed this is not the first time such deliberate unlawful secrecy has taken place only to surface years later, as in the case of victim Alison Cousins, and countless others as revealed by BBC Panorama http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFx85HlleUw where yet again church Elders/Charity Trustees knew for many years that Ian Cousins, Elder James Barrett and others were paedophiles within according to the Watchtower Society’s own database and raises the moral question, can the Charity Commission continue to justify giving its backing and respectable status to this religious organization, an organization that demands that unless there are two or more witnesses to any crime be it child molestation or any other, no action can or will be taken on behalf of a victim or safeguards imposed to protect the vulnerable from possible sex abuse etc.? Surely therefore it behoves the Charity Commissions regulatory body and the Crown Prosecution Service to take action against elders/trustees, in the full knowledge that the worldwide church of Jehovah’s witnesses is controlled by a governing body who’s very latest dictate to all its Elders dated October 1, 2012, is in essence as follows 'Privileged communication between elders and members of the congregation is an absolute right and duty to God and there is no power in man- made laws to breach such a confidence!' Not so says Ex Jehovah’s Witnesses United in Christ, Church Elders/Charity Trustees acting with impunity is neither acceptable to God whom they claim to represent nor indeed anyone living in a civilized society. Indeed I can do no better in our defence and support of child abuse victims than to cite the following quote Bad men need nothing more to achieve their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing” and do nothing we pledge not to do! Footnote: Proof of Trustee charity status of the above shamed elders Harry Logan, Simon Preyser and David Scott (Registered Charity Numbers 1065291 & 1067526) Should you need sight of the latest directives to all Elders from their Governing Body re how not to disclose wrongdoing we have a copy.
OPEN LETTER Dear Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC MP, Attorney General such is the extent of cover-ups within the Jehovah’s Witness Church’s when it comes to paedophilia that innocent children both inside and out are at great risk. As for the victims they have no one to turn to within the church so they are made to suffer in silence. It is for this reason that we at www.exjws-united.com/child%20abuse.htm intend to speak out in the hope that the powers that be and general public say enough is enough and bring to justice all those who wilfully cover-up such abuse and make it a punishable offence for church elders to breach “the Children Act 2004. The Children Act 2004 places a duty on organisations to safeguard and promote the well-being of children and young people. This includes the need to ensure that all adults who work with, or on behalf of children and young people in these organisations are competent, confident and safe to do so. Everyone working with children and young people should be familiar with local procedures and protocol for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people. Adults have a duty to report any child protection or welfare concerns to a designated member of staff in their organisation and/or report any concerns to local Children's Services/Police” and in this case to the Charity Commission for indeed elders are charity trustees also! Questions need to be asked why the three church elders in the following case were not prosecuted? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2365992/Gordon-Leighton-child-abuse-trial- orders-Jehovahs-Witness-leaders-evidence.html Your kind understanding and support in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Kind Regards Mike Ellis. Ph.D.
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